EIM Training
EIM International Training

Our Story

Osi Our Story Txt
Osi Our Story Txt
Osi C Img 2004
2004 - 2006
The business, now 5-staff had moved from Southport to Helensvale and under the John Howard Government won the Federal Contract known as ‘Skills Voucher’.
Osi C Img 2004
Osi C Img 2007
2007 - 2010
As a result of successfully running the ‘Skills Voucher’ Contract and expanding into Business, Frontline, Accounting, Tourism and Retail programs, a niche market opened in Hervey Bay which saw Nick’s second office location opening there. This was a pivotal moment for EIM as they secured, this time under the Kevin Rudd Government, the Federal PPP Contract which really allowed the organisation to grow and define the areas they wanted to be specialising in.

Another contract came in known as the NEIS Program, this was focused on small businesses, and at this stage Nick was deciding just where EIM needed to be in the education sector. He then and there made the decision to move away from what had been the bread and butter of EIM Training and jump into his first specialised program being Childcare. Nick wanted to see students graduate and gain work, embark upon a career and follow a passion. It was at this time he decided to close the Hervey Bay office, secure Childcare as his core business and managed to secure the User Choice Contract for this skill shortage area, with the back of his mind beginning to explore the next skill shortage field he wanted to work within.
Osi C Img 2007
Osi C Img 3
2012 - 2015
This year was also one with personal hardship with the passing of Nick’s father, opening another window of reflection to ponder who he was and what direction he wanted to take the business in.
Osi C Img 3
Osi C Img 4
2016 - 2017
After a small break Nick came back raring to go; he was confident skill shortages were the most important training sector to be delivering in and he wanted nothing more than for EIM to be the leader in its field at providing quality training in those areas to those who needed it, Australia was depended on that.

He resigned as Chairman of Study Gold Coast, after being part of a process which saw the not for profit organisation supported by local Government with over $1M. He relocated his Brisbane campus in Murrarie, which only specialised in Instrumentation to a new facility in the Construction Training Centre, Salisbury. Contracts had been reinstated and he was able to again secure State Funding for User Choice, Higher Level Skills Program and Certificate 3 Guarantee. With the last giant step making Gold Coast and Cairns not just CRICOS registered but the only school in Australia at that time offering the Skill Shortage identified Instrumentation and Control qualification to our International students.
Osi C Img 4
Osi C Img 4
2018 - 2024
EIM is has now enjoyed more than 20 years of operation, all started on Nick’s modest $4,000 holiday pay bank roll.
Osi C Img 4

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EIM Training